Saturday, August 8, 2009

Think Globally: Letter to Naysayers of Global Warming

To those who call Global Warming a Hoax –
I got an email at work – an Op-Ed written by Paul Krugman, a Nobel Prize winning economist who has taught at Yale, MIT and Stanford. His message to the naysayers of Global Warming was that denying this is both irresponsible and immoral. He cited various studies by MIT climatologists who reported that the once 4 degree heat increase will now be 9 degrees, and that this heat increase will have a catastrophic impact on the earth. What makes his argument more compelling? He considers the other side of the argument, which is usually not a quality of op-ed pieces. Not only does he consider the other side, he explains how the other side could construct a viable argument. He does not give them substance, but instead tells them how to construct a viable and responsible argument. That is, to do research, to contact experts and construct an argument based on those findings. But, of course, that’s not what happened. Representatives called Global Warming a Hoax and a conspiracy cooked up by scientists. Disregarding the stupidity behind such an argument, the fact that some of these statements received applause is unbelievable.

Here’s my point: Those who have problems with the Waxman-Markey Bill on Climate Change mitigation should do their research and make their contentions. I had the same feeling with the Stimulus Package. I believed there was a lot of pork in the spending bill, and the idea of bailing out a system for corrupt business practices was unsavory. While many opponents of the bill, like John McCain, helped reduce the spending on the bill by attacking useless spending and pork, many of his compatriots did not. In fact, the Republican Party had a special meeting just to rename the Democrats the National Socialist Democratic Party. That really stuck it to ‘em! That really worked to help out our economy and solve the credit crises! For the Global Warming Bill, I feel the same way as Krugman. It is wholly irresponsible to deny Climate Change. This is something that Europe has tackled and come to a consensus on light years before the US. Those representatives who call Global Warming a hoax are responsible for slowing down progress towards a cleaner earth. The US cannot shut out the rest of the world when it comes to Global Warming. Like Obama said, we need to construct a policy that helps economies of every kind in the US to adapt to the regulations and affects of those regulations. This is why the Waxman Bill was full of compromises. By not passing the strictest bill, we are able to allow large sectors of the economy to adapt. I hope, in that instance, that more bills and more policies will be adopted which will be more comprehensive than this one. Yes, energy costs will go up for consumers, and our general cost of living will increase. BUT, if we do not curb Global Warming, the economic, personal and environmental cost will be much higher.

I am appalled at the level of knowledge of some of the most powerful people. These people are those who represent me and all Americans in government, or the Senators and Representatives in Congress. I have the highest respect for their position and know they have the ability to make the people’s voice heard. They are my access to government. But, when I see these “most qualified” people speak about the hoax of Global Warming, the “Socialist” or “Fascist” Democratic Party, that they are going to lose their guns and that there is a “scientific conspiracy” I shy away from my respect. Using buzz words and acting stupid does not help the US economy, help solve the credit crises or help stop Global Warming. If you have issues with policies from the administration, do your research, consult experts and make a responsible, informed complaint. I assure that you will have my respect.

Finally, Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense which said, in short, that an Island Empire, like Britain cannot control a continent, like America. His pamphlet was one of many influences on American Independence. I think today it applies a little differently. If an island cannot rule a continent, then certainly, a continent cannot ignore a world. While we do have our economy to think about, especially during this depression, we need to start thinking globally.

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