Once again, we must attempt to explain why a young man decided to pick up a gun and use it on innocent people. Once against we must try to ask, discuss and debate the merits of gun control and the limitations of our mental health system.
Was he insane? What kind of disorder plagued him? How did he get the gun? What kind of gun? Should we pass new gun control legislation?
But, there is something lost in the fray. Something that makes this situation unique. One simple question must be asked: What about the children?
How can we even begin to explain to a 5 year old that his best friend will not be there tomorrow? They won't have play dates, won't each lunch together and won't see each other on the playground. How can we explain to a class of Kindergarten students that their teacher was murdered?
What the children do know is that a man walked into their classroom and killed people. They know who and they know how. But will they ever understand why.